
You can easily customize the buttons of the resulting messages.

Feedback buttons

Where is it 
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Feedback buttons

Add feedback buttons to a message, for example like.

/setting like + one of the following options:

none - no buttons
Ex. /setting like none

1 -  button ????
Ex. /setting like 1

2 - two buttons: ???? and ????
Ex. /setting like 2

If you add any other string - every word of this string will be a button, i.e. a string "???? ????" is the same as the previous option 2
Ex. /setting like ???? ????
Ex. /setting like yes no maybe - will add 3 buttons 'yes', 'no', 'maybe'

You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting with /settingchannel source_channel_reference (read more).

Copy buttons

Where is it 
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Original buttons

With this setting, you can choose which buttons from the original message you want to keep. Remember that due to the way how Telegram works only URL-buttons will actually work if clicked.

/setting buttons + one of the following options:

none - don`t copy any buttons
Ex. /setting buttons none

url - URL-buttons only
Ex. /setting buttons url

special - non-URL buttons only
Ex. /setting buttons special

all - copy all buttons
Ex. /setting buttons all

You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting with /settingchannel source_channel_reference (read more).

Add your custom buttons

Where is it 
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Custom buttons

You can add custom URL-buttons to the messages you forward.

/setting mybuttons + one of the following options:

none - don`t add your custom buttons
Ex. /setting mybuttons none

[button1] [button2]  - to set a list of your buttons
/setting mybuttons
URL text-of-the-button
/setting mybuttons
https://junction.space About us
https://tgchannels.org All channels

You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting with /settingchannel source_channel_reference (read more).

Copy alert buttons

Where is it 
Menu → Forwarding settings → Choose source and destination → Click the button

With this setting you can enable copying of the buttons, which are showing alerts when they are clicked. Simple duplication of the post does not transmit Telegram’s reaction to this kind of button. For this case, our bot implements a deeper copying mechanism.

/settingchannel source_channel_reference click + one of the following options:

none - don't copy alert buttons
Example: /settingchannel source_channel_reference click none

.* - copy all alert buttons
Example: /settingchannel source_channel_reference click .*

any regular expression - copy alert buttons, having a text matching this expression
Example: /settingchannel source_channel_reference click Show

You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting with /settingchannel source_channel_reference (read more).

Please note that this setting works only for Direct Connection, private and express channels and groups. Also, this setting will not work if you are forwarding messages on behalf of your account.

As soon as a message with a button appears in the source, the bot will immediately click this button to read the notification. It is clear that a person will not press the button instantly. In order to make the bot’s behavior closer to human, you can set a random delay before clicking. You probably don’t want to make the bottom border too small so that it doesn’t look unnatural. But you also don’t want to make it too big, because messages will arrive at the destination with this very delay.

So, to set the delay, add one more parameter – the range in seconds. For example, if you are using the commands:

/settingchannel source_reference click. * 15-300

Will copy any alert buttons clicking them with a random delay from 15 to 300 seconds.
This setting only works on a Direct Connection.

Also, it’s possible to place the text of the alert in the body of the message and don’t copy the button itself. For that add one more argument body:

/settingchannel source_reference click. * 15-300 body