Forward edited messages
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Forwarding rule settings → Sync edits
Propagation of edited messages is possible only if you have Direct Connection.
Please notice that if you set up a delay for delivery and the edit event happens before the message gets published (during the delay), the edit will not be applied.
/setting edit + one of the following options: edit - send the change to the destination channel Ex./setting edit edit
new - send the change as a new message Ex./setting edit new
ignore - ignore changes Ex./setting edit ignore
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Delete deleted messages
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Sync deletions
Propagation of deletions of messages is possible only if you have Direct Connection. It allows you to set up a deletion of the message in the destination if it was deleted in the source.
Please note that Telegram does not allow bots to delete messages older than 48 hours. If you need to delete old messages, use the delivery mode on behalf of your account.
/setting delete + one of the following options: no - don't delete the message in the destination channel Ex./setting delete no
yes - delete the message in the destination channel Ex./setting delete yes
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Delay
Add a delay to a forwarded message. Specify the number of seconds to delay the message.
You can also delay the message for a random number of seconds. To do this, specify the minimum and maximum delay in the format min-max. For example, 30-60 will set a delay from 30 to 60 seconds.
To disable the function, specify 0.
/setting delay [number of seconds] 0 - disabled Ex./setting delay 0
[number of seconds] Ex./setting delay 30
- delay 30 sec Ex./setting delay 60-90
- a delay from 60 to 90 seconds
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Schedule
Add a delay to a forwarded message. This setting works as a delay, but through Telegram’s internal scheduler, the one used to post delayed (scheduled) messages. Therefore, you must have publishing on behalf of your account (copy_client
or forward_client
) enabled.
Specify the number of seconds to delay the message.
You can also delay the message for a random number of seconds. To do this, specify the minimum and maximum delay in the format min-max. For example, 30-60 will set a delay from 30 to 60 seconds.
To disable the function, specify 0.
/setting schedule [number of seconds] 0 - disabled Ex./setting schedule 0
[number of seconds] Ex./setting schedule 30
- delay 30 sec Ex./setting schedule 60-90
- a delay from 60 to 90 seconds
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Pin
/setting pin + one of the following options: off - don't pin Ex./setting pin off
silent - pin silently Ex./setting pin silent
notify - pin with notification (for groups only, doesn`t work for channels) Ex./setting pin notify
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Polls
/setting poll + one of the following options: none - polls are completely ignored Ex./setting poll none
copy - polls are copied Ex./setting poll copy
[any other string] - send a message with this string as a link to a poll Ex./setting poll take a survey
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Silent mode
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Silent mode
/setting silent + one of the following options: pass - set the silent mode as in the source Ex./setting silent pass
never - never set the silent mode Ex./setting silent never
always - always set the silent mode Ex./setting silent always
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Preview
/setting preview + one of the following options:
pass - set the preview mode as in the source
Ex. /setting preview pass
never - never show a preview
Ex. /setting preview never
always - always show a preview
Ex. /setting preview always
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Delivery mode
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding rule settings → Choose source and destination → Delivery mode
mode – messages will be published via the @junction_bot. The bot must be an admin in the destination and have permissions to publish there.
mode – messages will be published through the connected account. The account must have publishing permissions in the destination.
mode – messages will be forwarded through the connected account. The account must have permissions to publish to the destination. The source must allow forwarding messages.
mode – messages will be published through the connected account. The account must have publishing rights to the destination. In case the Telegram limit on the number of published posts is exceeded, an attempt will be made to publish via the @junction_bot. For this to work, the bot must be an admin in the destination and have publishing permissions there.
Please notice that this setting is available for Direct Connection only.
If you use copy_client
or forward_client
— You don’t need to have the bot in the destination chat.
— You can’t add any buttons to a message. The destination message will not contain any buttons.
This setting is set to copy_client
automatically if you are setting a destination by sending a virtual channel number.
/settingchannel source_channel_reference delivery + one of the following options:
copy_bot - copy, sending a new message by the bot
copy_client - copy, sending a new message on behalf of your account
forward_client - forward, keeping a reference to an old message
Message rate
Where is it Menu → Forwarding settings → Choose source and destination → Delivery rate
This setting allows you to spread in time the flow of messages from a given source. For example, if you set the period to 60 seconds, the messages from the source will not come more often than once a minute. If the source publishes 3 messages at once at 16:30, the first will come right away (16:30), the second after one minute (16:31) and the third after two minutes (16:32). If a fourth message appears at 16:31, then it will come to the destination at 16:33.
Note that the period is always counted for each source separately. If you want the period to be counted for the whole destination, you first need to set the forwarding from every source to the intermediate channel, and then from the intermediate channel to the destination channel already with the rate
It’s important to note that this setting works through Telegram’s internal scheduler, the one used to post delayed (scheduled) messages. Therefore, you must have publishing on behalf of your account (copy_client
or forward_client
) enabled.
To reset the period timer, set the rate
to 0.
/setting rate period
Where period is time (in seconds) between messages.
Ex. /setting rate 60
You can adjust this setting in the menu, but also you can use the commands. If you are using the commands, to apply this setting to one channel only, replace the command /setting
with /settingchannel source_channel_reference
(read more).
Flood behavior
Flooding is a too large flow of published messages in a channel-destination. By default, Telegram allows you to publish no more than 20-30 messages per minute, and if this threshold is exceeded, it simply blocks the publication of new ones for a while. The bot will try to send the blocked message again, later. We are not aware of any cases when Telegram would ban bots or accounts for flooding, the penalty is limited to a temporary ban on publishing.
You can customize the system’s response to blocking publications using the setting Flood behavior.
Where is it
Menu → Forwarding settings → Choose source and destination → Flood behavior
Reschedule to deliver when possible
– If a message is to be published, but a ban due to flooding is active in the destination, the system will wait until the ban ends and try to publish the message again. This is the most convenient option and is selected by default.
However, please note that if you have a very large flood of messages, then the pending messages will cause a second lock when published, the number of pending messages will grow and at some point the system will have to ignore them.
Ignore the message
– If you don’t care much about the messages that arrive during a lockout, you can simply ignore them. Then they will not be published.
Disable the forwarding rule
– In some scenarios, it may be convenient to pause the forwarding rule completely if a publishing ban occurs. The forwarding rule will be paused until you turn it back on.
Notify on flood ban
– If you receive a ban from Telegram, notify it in a private chat with the bot.
Also, to reduce the likelihood and consequences of flood-blocking, you can take the following steps:
- Try setting up posting on behalf of your account. In this mode, the restrictions should be softer.
- Use publishing mode on behalf of the account and in case of flooding on behalf of the bot. It is great for bypassing flood restrictions, allowing you to achieve a publishing rate of 40-60 posts per minute.
- Try distributing publications over time.
- Split the traffic between several connected accounts.
- Consider splitting the destination channel into multiple channels.
To change the language of the bot’s interface use the command /language.
Available languages are: English, Russian and Turkish.
Import and export of settings
With the /dump command, you can dump all current subscriptions, redirects, and related settings as a file. The file will be a list of commands for the bot.
You can execute some or all of these commands in one list using the /batch command. To do this, send to the bot a list of commands starting with the /batсh
command and where each line contains a separate command.
Note that when you send a too-long text in Telegram, it gets split into several messages. In this case, the bot will only process the commands in the first message (the one starting with /batch
). To process such a very long list of commands, you will need to send it yourself in several messages, making sure that each such message starts with /batch